Ashlee Braxton


This is me:

In short:

I have been a talent manager, jr, tour manager, professional singer, communications leader, and chief of staff. Now a business and leadership coach, I help businesses and leaders find growth by focusing on their purpose, improving the self, and building positive relationships.


This is my story:


I come from a musical background. At 18 I started taking talent and teams around the world which gave me the opportunity to see the world at my fingertips. I moved from the USA to France and worked at two of the top leading French Tech companies. From there, I found my greatest love, coaching.


This is what I am all about

With my belief of anything is possible, I push others to see their own lives and businesses from that perspective. I never let go of the perception that you can have it all. Everything you want is obtainable and well deserving. What you see now, is only a perception, change it, and you'll begin to see new things.


This is my dream customer:

Companies and leaders who dare to dig deep within, find the blocks, and learn to re-wire.


This is my business:


I specialize in leadership coaching, helping leaders build their personal brand. I create company culture workshops to encourage employee self-development, build positive relationships and encourage company synchronization with vision, values, and mission.


Me inside the Hub:

Ashlee Braxton

Enjoy the video and audio version of the podcast episode.


My social media profiles


The End


Bruno Pesec


Ellia Harris